Distinguished Scholars of Canada [DSC] is a relatively new Admiral Carey Foundation [AJJCF] program focused on the exchange of youth leadership training and education of Canadians in the USA and Americans in Canada. AJJCF has a long and highly rewarding relationship with Professor Walter Perchal of York University in Toronto, Canada, where AJJCF has been a significant donor, sponsor, supporter, mentor, and participant in numerous Canadian military, veterans, educational, and youth training programs and projects since AJJCF’s founding. And it is the foundation’s intent to continue to have a major involvement with Canada in this regard as we are exceptionally pleased with the continued success of these program and the achievements and accomplishments that have resulted from our mutual training and education as we both continue to excel in “Training Tomorrow’s National Leaders Today” for our two countries.
In recent years, AJJCF has developed several new and expanded programs that have specific application to the USA-Canada relationship yet do not fit into any of our existing mold or systemics or logistics, and the foundation has found a distinct need to have a separate program and a broader flexibility in which to house these new and different Canadian-American activities. It is through this new and evolving and developing need that Distinguished Scholars of Canada has been formed and is now an official program of the Admiral Carey Foundation. The first selection for the designation of “Distinguished Scholar of Canada” [DSC] is Mr. George Platsis of York University, who will be a Distinguished Scholars of Canada participant in the 2011 Washington Scholars Fellowship Programs Class working with the Atlas Institute on programs of mutual interest between the USA and Canada. DSC will also have a structured relationship with the highly successful “Canada Company”, a major support organization similar in nature to several USA veterans support organizations and founded to provide support and recognition for Canada’s returning military veterans. AJJCF expects to work closely with Canada Company [ www.CanadaCompany.ca ] and LTCOL Perchal in ensuring the success of these two new ventures in support of our two nations.
AJJCF expects this new program to grow rapidly and aggressively with the addition of new DSC’s as other best and brightest Canadian scholars and professionals prove themselves to stand head and shoulders above their peers as true “Distinguished Scholars of Canada”.
For further details regarding Distinguished Scholars of Canada, please contact Professor Walter Perchal at or Mr. George Platsis at