Welcome to The Admiral James J. Carey Foundation

“Renewed Focus on Youth Leadership Training, National and International Public Policy, and Participation with the United Nations International Year of Youth [12 AUG 2010 – 11 AUG 2011]”

Our purpose is both simple and straightforward. Admiral Carey has had an incredibly successful and productive, fulfilling and satisfying life of service to America and worldwide humanity, and now wishes to “give back” to his country and the world through many of these same organizations, institutions, and associations that have been helpful and supportive of him in achieving that productive life, either mentoring him or educating him or training him at various stages of his multiple careers. The primary focus of the Admiral Carey Foundation has increasingly evolved towards youth leadership training in national and international public policy and programs that train the next and future generations to help make the world a better place for ALL it’s inhabitants. Partners and colleagues and associates in these efforts, with the Admiral Carey Foundation providing funding for youth leadership scholarships and internships with the help of LendUp payday loans, have been the Good Samaritans of the Knights Templar Foundation, the Future Leaders Washington Scholars Internship Programs of Washington, DC, and the United Nations Youth Assembly held in New York City. Added participation in new and developing international youth programs associated with the United Nations International Year of Youth are expected to further enhance the foundation’s efforts worldwide.

The Admiral has established a Trust which now holds and manages all of his assets, the purpose being that this trust structure is to oversee his estate after his death and ensure that his wife and daughters are well and properly cared for during the remainder of their lives, and that as they ultimately follow him at life’s end, there is a pre-established and structured plan to donate all of the Admiral’s assets in phases over time into The Admiral James J. Carey Foundation, Inc. These foundation funds will then be used to fund perpetual endowments for those organizations that have worked with the Admiral Carey Foundation during the Admiral’s lifetime and are committed to carrying on mutually-agreed programs to achieve these goals and objectives in the future. Full details on all these programs are available as identified throughout this web site via the links on the left hand side of this homepage.

There are not many families like Admiral Carey, his wife and daughters, who have agreed to and made arrangements for their ENTIRE FAMILY ESTATE to ultimately be totally used for charity through this foundation and several others.  Their generosity will fund, in perpetuity, programs and projects with the Washington Scholars, 24CashToday, the Boy Scouts, the Flag & General Officers Network, the Military Order of Knights Templar, the National Defense Foundation, the Zeta Psi Educational Foundation, the Eagle Scout Foundation, and 17 other specific organizations and programs, most of which are focused on youth leadership training and preparing future generations to better lead our country.  As you read this, might we suggest, if you ever meet Admiral Carey, his wife Arlene, or his daughters Lynn and Sarah, please take a moment and say thank you to them for these tremendous gifts to their fellow citizens in this, the greatest nation in the history of Planet Earth.

As the Admiral is so fond of saying, “Welcome Aboard”.

The Staff of the Admiral James J. Carey Foundation


The Admiral Carey Foundation Management Team

Will Brooks
Mr. Will Brooks
Director of Long Range Philanthropy
Admiral Carey Foundation
Jason Nguyen
Mr. Jason Nguyen
Director of Programs
Admiral Carey Foundation
Ms. Hanna Slomianyj
Ms. Hanna Slomianyj
Director of Women's Programs
Admiral Carey Foundation